Fullmetal Alchemist Mobile is a game that takes the adventures of the manga created by Hiromu Arakawa and brings them to Android. Of course, the game's story is centered around the two brothers, Edward and Alphonse. Both must try to find the Philosopher's Stone that will allow them to recover their bodies (which they lost while trying to use alchemy to resurrect their mother).
The graphics in Fullmetal Alchemist Mobile will fully immerse you in the essence of this popular manga. In fact, it's worth mentioning that the paper publication already made the leap to the small screen with the TV series Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood. Fans of Arakawa's creation were also able to follow these adventures in the live-action Fullmetal Alchemist movie.
However, the only place left for the Elric brothers to land was on Android and iOS devices. Now they do so in a title that promises to immerse you in many missions and adventures with a common denominator. All these challenges are focused on fighting battles and overcoming areas on the map to recover both protagonists' lost bodies.
Fullmetal Alchemist Mobile has a background story that will undoubtedly attract the attention of fans of this manga. Square Enix has made every effort to develop a title faithful to Edward and Alphonse's adventures. This means you'll get to use tons of alchemies and powers as you try to defeat all the enemies and reach the final levels.
Requirements (Latest version)
- Android 7.0 or higher required
Frequent questions
Where can I download the Fullmetal Alchemist Mobile APK?
You can download the Fullmetal Alchemist Mobile APK for Android from Uptodown. It'll only take you a few seconds to download the latest game update or any of the previous versions.
What's the file size of the Fullmetal Alchemist Mobile APK?
The file size of the Fullmetal Alchemist Mobile APK for Android is 278 MB. However, the first time you run the video game you may need to download additional data to be able to play it.
Is Fullmetal Alchemist Mobile available in English?
No, Fullmetal Alchemist Mobile is not available in English yet. You can enjoy the Japanese version, though, based on the adventures of brothers Edward and Alphonse.
When does Fullmetal Alchemist Mobile come out on Android?
Fullmetal Alchemist Mobile came out on August 4, 2022. From that day on, you can play the Japanese version of this Square Enix video game.
I only rated it one star because it won't even let me download it.
I love this game. Playing with anime characters, collecting them, improving them is fun and cool. Super toy, every time I play I want to review the anime. Thank you for updating the game 🥰❤️
what about update?
very good game